When Good Boxes Go Bad: Our Packaging Nightmare… (Inside The Journal Vol 5)

After 7 years of running a small business, I like to think I’ve learnt a few things about dealing with suppliers and making sure we don’t get screwed over… Man was I wrong! I thought long and hard about sharing this story, but thought that my experiences might prove useful for other small business ownersContinue reading “When Good Boxes Go Bad: Our Packaging Nightmare… (Inside The Journal Vol 5)”

Making a big change in our stationery subscription model: Why it was necessary and what I learned! (Inside The Journal Vol 04)

As we entered the 7th year of running our monthly stationery subscription, our numbers were stable but growth was slow. If customers are happy enough to stay subscribed long term, why weren’t we bringing new people on board? It was time to take a look at what was and wasn’t working and be brutally honestContinue reading “Making a big change in our stationery subscription model: Why it was necessary and what I learned! (Inside The Journal Vol 04)”

When Life Throws a Curve ball – How I Realised Our Business Model Had To Change (Inside The Journal Vol 03))

As a small business founder, I live and breathe for the business. It’s an obsession and I openly admit that I struggle to switch off at the weekend. I love the fast paced nature of the business, the fact that we turn around new product quickly keeps me interested… But is this sustainable long termContinue reading “When Life Throws a Curve ball – How I Realised Our Business Model Had To Change (Inside The Journal Vol 03))”

Spinning All The Plates, All The Time (Inside The Journal Vol 02)

Multitasking is a skill you have to be very good at (or very quickly learn) when you decide to start a business. I’m not really sure that small business life is possible without it! Even when you grow your business and employ a team of people, as the founder, the ultimate responsibility for everything (ideaContinue reading “Spinning All The Plates, All The Time (Inside The Journal Vol 02)”

Why I Want To Start A Small Business Blog! (Inside The Journal Vol 01)

Welcome to the very first blog post in a new series I’ve named “Inside The Journal”. Here I want to share the unfiltered reality of running a small business. A real warts and all insight into the highs and the lows of small business life, and what I’ve learnt along the way. Confession time: I’veContinue reading “Why I Want To Start A Small Business Blog! (Inside The Journal Vol 01)”