Navigating the Video Archive!

We receive queries every day asking if we have tutorials for specific stencils, and if so where to find them.

Since we started back in 2016, we have created over 500 stencils and made over 150 videos for our YouTube channel, so we thought it was about time we wrote a little guide to help you find what you are looking for!

Here is our cheats guide to finding the info you need!

How to search our YouTube channel by SIC

Did you know you can search our YouTube archive by Stencil Identification Code?

Simply type the Stencil Identification Code (SIC)* into the search box, click return and all the videos that include that stencil will be listed to view!

*Scroll down to learn more about SICs!

Here’s where you will find the search box on a desktop browser:

Annoyingly, we can’t find a way to search a channel on the app, but you can do this on your mobile browser.

Here’s where to find the search box on a mobile browser:

It’s bringing up the wrong video!

There are two reasons for this…

  1. If the code in the title/description matches your search, but the stencil shown is wrong, I *may* have written the wrong code in the description – If this is the case please drop me an email and I will edit! (Please bear with me there were a lot of videos to index!)
  2. YouTube will show the most relevant videos at the top of the search and may then provide some others it thinks you might like. If the code from your search is not in the video title or description then this is likely to be the case.

What is an SIC?

Each stencil has a unique Stencil Identification Code to help you identify each stencil and keep track of your collection. This code can be found in our Stencil Directory and also on the product listing in the store.

What would you like to see next?

I am creating more content every week, but with so many stencils it will take time to cover everything!

If you would like to request a video for a particular stencil, please drop us a comment below.

Don’t forget to subscribe!

While you are over on our YouTube channel, we would be really grateful if you could hit SUBSCRIBE to follow us. Not only will you be notified when we post a new video, but it all helps with the YouTube algorithm!

Published by Jo - Founder of Oops a Daisy

I live in Essex in the UK with my gaggle of furry friends including. I have had lifetime passion/obsession for beautiful stationery and to-do lists which has lead me to the wonderful world of Bullet journals.

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