A Week in the Life of Kate (aka Snail Scribbles)

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Hello! Since we have the blog up and running now, and we know you like to see behind-the-scenes stuff, I thought you might like to see what a typical week in the life of me – your favourite Oops a Daisy designer! – looks like.

Monday – Go With The Flow

Jo usually spends the weekend ‘having ideas’, and Monday morning is when she gathers us around to discuss them. This week, she’s obsessed with emails and showed me all the new email ‘flows’ she’s created. (This is where customers will get specific emails based on what they’ve bought or not bought previously. It’s very clever!) It was then my job to check all the email templates she’s written and help her test whether the flows actually work.

Turns out they didn’t work, so we spent a couple of hours trying to work out why. We eventually figured it out and all was well with the world.

Her next idea was a ‘BuJo Basics Bundle‘, which consists of the Daily, Weekly and Monthly Super Easy stencils. We didn’t have a photo of these three stencils together, so I had to make a mockup of them.

After that I designed two postcards: One for us to take to the PALentines Planner Festival in a few weeks, and one for us to put in Etsy orders, to let those customer know about our website. I also set up two new pages on the website so we can direct the PALentines and Etsy people to specific pages with different messages. They also both get their own email flows, which Jo and I do together afterwards.

Tuesday – Pens, Printables, & Stickers

On Tuesdays I work from home, which can sometimes make it difficult to design things, as Jo and I often go back and forth with a lot of changes. Today wasn’t too bad though, as I wasn’t doing anything too complicated.

First on the list is to make mockups of the brush pen set that will be available to buy to match the Untamed Big One box. We have access to a library of images from the pen company, but obviously there isn’t an image of the five specific colours together, so I had to combine five images together in Photoshop.

I ended up making two images, because I like to give myself extra work. Like so…

Then I designed the printable patterned paper for the next Mini One box (Chasing Rainbows), and the one after that (still a secret!) This is probably one of my favourite things to do, to be honest. I really love patterns, and watched a few Skillshare videos about pattern making before Christmas, so I am always excited to create a set of three patterns that work well together but are also different enough from each other.

I can’t show you the new ones yet, so here’s an example of the set from the S.W.A.L.K box

After I’ve designed the patterns I then have to turn them into mockups, and also add the listings to the shop, with the PDF files. I manage to make the mockups for the Chasing Rainbows set, but then Jo has another job for me, so I don’t get to do the rest!

The job was to design the brand new Stencil Organisation Stickers. It felt like a bit of a miracle that we managed to decide on the amount of stickers and the layout, and then get all five sheets finished in one afternoon!

I also managed to make a start on the mockups of these. At this point I was blissfully unaware of how many mockups I would end up making…

Wednesday – Mockup Madness

Today was mockup day! It was also the day I came to work in my onesie and slipper boots, because it was horrifically cold. It was also the day I forgot I had a haircut booked, so I had to go to the hairdressers in my onesie and slippers. I was mildly embarrassed.

Anyway, I spent the day making all the photos for the Stencil Organisation Stickers. This is a proper peek behind the Oops a Daisy curtain (we’ll see if Jo lets me keep this part in!)

We wanted some photos that showed how to use them, but we obviously didn’t have the physical stickers yet. That’s where mockups come in! I won’t go into detail of how I make them (and honestly, I just make it up as I go along), but you can see some of the before-and-after photos below…


As well as the mockups of the stickers, Jo also wanted some of the old storage photos re-edited, because they were quite old and she was writing a blog post about all our storage options. I won’t put them here again but you can see them in that post. I also created a mockup of the ‘Dream it. Plan it. Do it.’ stencil set for the Time Machine which was due to go live tomorrow, as the only photo we had of it was awful!

On Thursday Alex, one of our creative team, had suggested a Washi tape idea to us and Jo really liked it, so I got to making that, as well as four others! We’d had a few people ask for more of the skinny vertical and horizontal days and numbers tape, and those designs were quite old so needed a re-vamp. After I had all five designs done, I sent them off to our manufacturer.

After that, Jo asked me to check her stencil organisation blog post. We always double check everything on the website with each other as it’s good to get a second pair of eyes on something. (Sometimes we need three or four…) She had also written some emails about the Stencil Time Machine, which I checked over too.

Then I finally got to finish the things I started on Tuesday… I made the mockups for the May printables, and created the website listings for them, as well as the April set.

And that’s it! If you love a list (obviously you do), then here’s the breakdown of this week…

Printable patterns designed: 6
Sticker sheets designed: 5
Washi tapes designed: 5
Photo mockups created: 23
Website pages created: 2
Product listings created: 2
Emails checked: Lost count

I hope this was mildly interesting. Although I said this was a ‘typical’ week, there isn’t really a typical week for me at Oops a Daisy. Some weeks I am 100% editing photos (not my favourite weeks), others are 100% website maintenance, and others I do much more designing. It totally depends on the time of year and what we have coming up. If you are interested, then I can write more of these posts when I have more designing to do – let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!
Kate xxx

4 thoughts on “A Week in the Life of Kate (aka Snail Scribbles)

  1. Thank you Kate for a peak behind the scenes I loved this, and I do hope that you’re happy with your haircut even though you were slightly embarrassed xx

  2. Thanks Kate its nice to get an in sight into all things Oops A Daisy you guys all do a great job and i am so glad i found you ….keep up the good work xx

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