7 Days of Self-Care – Day 3 – You Learn

Today’s Self-Care Activity

Learn something new!

It’s time to work out that grey matter! First pick a subject from our list below (or choose one of your own) and then do some research. Hop onto the internet, blow the dust off your encyclopaedia or, even better, visit your local library!

Today’s Journaling Prompt

Ten things I didn’t know about…(insert chosen topic)

Create a spread in your journal to record 10 things you learnt about your chosen topic! This can be a simple list, or a full on school project… We can’t wait to see these, so make sure you share them in the Bullet Journal Squad group.

Subject Ideas!

Bonsai trees
Washi tape
The town you live in
The Bronte Sisters
The Titanic
A country you’ve always wanted to visit
Things that happened on the day you were born

How did you find day 3? Pop us a comment below 💜

Published by Jo - Founder of Oops a Daisy

I live in Essex in the UK with my gaggle of furry friends including. I have had lifetime passion/obsession for beautiful stationery and to-do lists which has lead me to the wonderful world of Bullet journals.

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