Welcome to the inner thoughts of a small business founder.
This blog is a place to share the unfiltered reality of running a small business. So, whether you are a fellow entrepreneur or just love a look behind the scenes, get ready to hear my madcap ideas, follow my learning and development as a creative business owner, and maybe be an ear when I just need to vent!
- 12 Days of Planning: How we levelled up this year’s advent to be the BEST. ONE. YET!
- When Good Boxes Go Bad: Our Packaging Nightmare… (Inside The Journal Vol 5)
- Making a big change in our stationery subscription model: Why it was necessary and what I learned! (Inside The Journal Vol 04)
- When Life Throws a Curve ball – How I Realised Our Business Model Had To Change (Inside The Journal Vol 03))
- Spinning All The Plates, All The Time (Inside The Journal Vol 02)
- Why I Want To Start A Small Business Blog! (Inside The Journal Vol 01)