A big part of my Bullet Journaling practice is setting and track goals.
But how do you make sure that the goals are achievable? That’s simple… You have to be SMART!
What are SMART goals?
SMART is a really useful acronym to remember when setting any goal for yourself. For a goal to be SMART it should be:
S – Specific
What exactly do you want to achieve.
M – Measurable
How will you measure if you have achieved this goal?
A – Achievable
Is it something that can actually be achieved?
R – Realistic
Is it realistic that you can do this?
T – Time bound
What is the time limit you are setting yourself?
Taking a goal and making it SMART
Example 1 – Walk More!
Let’s say I decided that I wanted to walk more. It’s a great goal to have, and will no doubt have benefits to my mental and physical health, but is it SMART?
What does “walk more” look like? How will I know if I have achieved this goal? Currently, it’s too vague to be a useful goal. Let’s break it down and make it SMART!
A SMART version of this goal could be: “Complete 10,000 steps every day throughout January”
This is:
Specific (10,000 steps)
Measurable (using a smartwatch or pedometer)
Achievable (Within my capability)
Realistic (No health, time, or financial barriers)
Time bound (Ends on Jan 31st)
By making the goal SMART, I will definitely know if I have achieved this goal or not.
Note – This is a realistic goal for me, but may not be for someone else. This is where making it SMART will really help you nail down what success is for you!
Example 2 – Do more Self-Care!
Again, a great goal to have, but without making it SMART can you really hold yourself accountable?
Rather than do more self-care, perhaps your goal could be:
“Spend 30 minutes on a self-care activity, three times per week, throughout February”
For example:
Specific (Set amount of time per day and days per week)
Measurable (Can track in my journal)
Achievable (Within my capability)
Realistic (No health, time, or financial barriers)
Time bound (Ends on Feb 29th)
We could even make this even more SMART by adding in self-care activities to choose from (i.e. take a bath, read a book, moisturise my body).
Useful Tools
Our ‘SMART Goals’ Pocket Stencil is a great tool to help you set up your SMART Goal journal spreads. You can purchase it here.

Join us to set up your next journal!
Check out “Journal With Oops a Daisy” a 6 week programme to support you through journal set-up and beyond!
The programme is totally free to join with a small donation* to our chosen charity: St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood via our Just Giving page.
*No minimum, give what you can afford. Access to the resources is granted for 12 weeks after sign up.