September ’24 at Oops a Daisy

Counting down the days…

At the time of writing there are just 17 sleeps until I go on holiday, I’m not going to lie to you, I’m SO READY!

After a mad influx of customers, and a very busy summer, I’m hoping the break is just what I need to feel refreshed as we enter what is traditionally our busiest time of the year.

Our big focus this year has been improving our website imagery and the supporting materials received with our stencil products. This is still very much a work in progress, but with a little bit of luck (and a lot of hard work) we hope to have it completed by the end of 2024.

My next big project is a shake up to our shipping options, which should hopefully make a big difference to our parcel shipping on the run up to Christmas… Watch this space!

For now, I’m getting my head down to work through my extremely long to do list before I finally hit the out of office button!

Jo x



This month’s launch is a biggie… We’ll be sharing a full run down in a separate blog post tomorrow, but for now you can expect…

Skelly Friends – This year’s halloween launch includes Pocket Stencils, a range of Washi tape and a brand new font!

Stationery Friends – To celebrate our collaboration with The Positive Teacher Company we have a whole range of stationery-themed goodies including stencils, Washi tape and more!

More Stencil Storage and Cheat Sheets – We will also be launching a storage solution for our B5 Super Easy Stencils and have Cheat Sheets for our Super Easy, Pocket Friends and Pocket Fonts available to purchase.


  • VIP Priority Sale – 9am Sunday 8th September
  • General Sale – 6pm Sunday 8th September


Last week we opened pre-sale for this year’s 12 Days of Planning – it was so busy you crashed the website! 😂

Despite upping the quantity available of both the journal and non-journal options we are now running fairly low on both. If you are thinking of getting your hands on one don’t delay!


You can purchase our Gonkmarks here, or get it for free with any qualifying order over £10!

October Gonkmark will be included in our offer from 1st – 30th September.


Our September Themebox is super sweet!


Last week we dispatched this quarter’s BIG ONE to all of our subscribers!

Got FOMO? Sign up before the end of September to grab yours.


Sunday 8th September at 12pm – Plan With Me hosted by Jo

Sunday 15th September at 12pm – Plan With Me hosted by Kate


There will be no VIP Masterclass this month as Jo and Kate are off on holiday!

VIPs – If you fancy catching up on our live streams you can find them all via the VIP zone.

If you’re not a VIP (why the heck not?!) you can find out more about our membership, which starts at just £3 a month, by clicking the link below!

Published by Jo - Founder of Oops a Daisy

I live in Essex in the UK with my gaggle of furry friends including. I have had lifetime passion/obsession for beautiful stationery and to-do lists which has lead me to the wonderful world of Bullet journals.

2 thoughts on “September ’24 at Oops a Daisy

  1. Love the Hallowe’en font and the A4 display book would be great for my pages of stickers I already have from yourselves. Looking forward to the Stationery Friends collection too.

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