Monthly Sub Theme: November 2023

It’s time to announce our upcoming theme for the Oops a Daisy Monthly Subscription!

Our first box of 2024 is Tsuru!

In Japanese folklore, the crane (or Tsuru) is a strong majestic bird that mates for life and is said to live for a thousand years. It symbolises honour, good fortune, loyalty, and longevity.

These formidable characteristics give the crane such special meaning and why the Japanese believed that anyone with the patience and commitment to fold 1,000 origami cranes would be given good fortune and granted a wish.


Payment Date: 1st November 2023

Shipping Date: 14th November 2023

Featured Month: January 2024

Themes: New Year, Luck, Good Fortune.


Payment will be taken for this box as per the information above.

If you would like to pause or cancel your subscription please do so prior this date.


Don’t have FOMO! Our subscription boxes are packed full of goodies you wont want to miss.


If you wish to receive this theme as your first box, please sign up AFTER the payment date above.

Your first payment will be taken at the point of subscription, with subsequents payments taken on the first of each month until you pause or cancel.

If you subscribe prior to the date above you will receive the current months theme. This is shown on our Monthly Subscription home page

Published by Jo - Founder of Oops a Daisy

I live in Essex in the UK with my gaggle of furry friends including. I have had lifetime passion/obsession for beautiful stationery and to-do lists which has lead me to the wonderful world of Bullet journals.

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