Introducing our Themebox Ambassadors – Justine

Every 6 months we look for new ambassadors to help promote Themebox across their social media, and it’s now the turn of three new stationery lovers to join the gang!

Let’s meet the first ambassador…

Justine Themebox Ambassador

A Bit About Justine

Hi, I’m Justine, your friendly neighbourhood stationery collector and journal hobbyist! With what started out as a pandemic curiosity fuelled with creativity, grew into a hobby. I foster my creative spirits as I share my passion for calligraphy, journaling, and lettering. When not creating, I work as a teacher inspiring children to make education and studying as colourful as possible. 

Follow Me!

Instagram: @jstnbcmnglettering

Why I Plan

Ever since I was little, I have enjoyed those little agenda/planner books that we get from school to list down assignments, projects, and field trips and I guess I got used to it. Planning organises my messy (but happy) life. It’s both fun and functional plus I get to release my creativity through planning. 

What’s in my Kit?

In my kit, I always have: 

• A good pair of scissors

• Tape Runner

• An inked fountain pen 

• A brush pen 

• A pencil 

3 Fun Facts About Me

  1. I have always been told that my handwriting is “too nice” for a guy — hence why I picked up calligraphy/lettering
  2. I have hundreds of pens (Don’t we all?) 
  3. My name is pronounced “Justin” but spelled with an “e” because my dad though he’d be fancy and wrote my name in cursive, so the attending nurse at my birth thought that the tail of the n was an “e”, hence JustinE!

Favourite Journal Spread

My favourite spread that I have created is my August 2021 Monthly Cover page — I recreated my version of the famous Hokusai ‘Great Wave’ painting.

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