How to Use Your Journal Grid Guide

The Oops a Daisy journal Grid Guide is the ULTIMATE journaling tool. There are so many ways for you to utilise it in your journal… The only limit is your imagination!

Keep reading for tips and tricks on how to use your handy new tool, plus some info on how to prep it before use.

About the Grid Guide

The ULTIMATE journaling companion! This super handy journaling tool is the secret to quick spread set-up. Use the Journal Grid Guide to quickly divide your page without needing to count dots. Compatible with any dotted journal with a 5mm dot grid.

  • Transparent Stencil – See through the stencil to your spread below.
  • Centre and side-centre holes – Quickly find the centre points for your page without counting dots.
  • Up to 4 columns – Divide your page into 1-4 columns quickly and easily.
  • Up to 7 rows – Divide your page into 1-7 rows quickly and easily.
  • Quickly create up to 28 boxes on your page for an endless variation of journal spreads.
  • Online resource of demo videos and spread inspiration provided.
  • Sturdy but flexible and lightweight – made from 0.5mm thick plastic.
  • A5 Compatible – 14 x 20cm in size.

1. Before you start

Our Journal Grid Guides are packaged with a protective film on to ensure they arrive to you without scratches or fingerprints. You will need to peel this off before use.

Some of the holes may still be stuck to the Grid Guide and require punching out. You can do this by hand, but we find using a thin tool such as a sharp pencil or knitting needle makes it easier. Take a moment to watch our quick video to talk you through this process.

Now your Grid Guide is all prepped and ready to go!

2. Find the centres of your page

If your journal doesn’t have markers printed on the page, you may find it useful to mark the centre of the page and the page edges.

To do this, simply place your Grid Guide on your page and line it up with the page edges. Use the larger holes (circled) to mark the centres.

Note: If your journal is A5 size, it should fit exactly on the page. You can use the Grid Guide on a B5 journal; just use the holes as a guide to find the page edges.

3. Creating columns down the page

To divide your page vertically into columns, use the green numbers as a reference for how many columns you would like, place the Grid Guide on your page and use the holes alongside the green number to mark your page.

Then, use the edge of the Grid Guide as a ruler to draw the lines down your page, using the marks you just made as a guide.

4. Creating rows across the page

To divide your page horizontally into rows, use the yellow numbers as a reference for how many rows you would like, place the Grid Guide on your page and use the holes alongside the yellow number to mark your page.

Then, use the edge of the Grid Guide as a ruler to draw the lines across your page, using the marks you just made as a guide.

5. Set up your first spread in 5 steps

  1. Grab a pencil! – We recommend using a pencil to mark your page before going over in pen afterwards.
  2. Decide how many rows down you want to divide you page into. Find the corresponding yellow number on the Grid Guide and mark all of the dots from this column onto the first column of dots on your page.
  3. Decide how many columns you want to divide your page into. Find the corresponding green number on the Grid Guide and mark all of the dots on this row across every line that has a pencil mark from step 2.
  4. Use the edge of the Grid Guide as a ruler to join up all of your pencil marks to create boxes.
  5. Decorate your page!

6. YouTube Resource

If you need more help, or some inspiration, below are some videos showing how to use the Grid Guide to create three different weekly spreads.

Hop over to our YouTube playlist to see our latest Grid Guide videos.

2 thoughts on “How to Use Your Journal Grid Guide

  1. This is a really helpful guide on using the Grid Guide however, I can’t seem to find a page similar to this for the Grid Ruler on either this website or anywhere on YouTube? I may be being a bit dim but I can’t understand what the numbers on the grooves are for on the Grid Ruler (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10)?
    How do you use the Ruler to get the box sizes that are drawn on it as there don’t seem to be any holes to use like there is on the Grid Guide?
    Again, apologies if I’m being stupid…!

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