Monthly One – May 24 (Dispatch March 24)

🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 This blog post contains all the details of our ‘Let It Go’ Box! About this month’s theme… “Let It Go” is all about releasing the things which no longer serve you, which fits perfectly into our quarterly theme “Simplify”. Month of dispatch: March 2024 Featured month: May 2024 Changes are comingContinue reading “Monthly One – May 24 (Dispatch March 24)”

Monthly Sub Theme: April 2024

It’s time to announce our upcoming theme for the Oops a Daisy Monthly Subscription, the last from our Quarter 2 concept and colour palette! THEMEBOX IS COMING! Our April dispatch will be the last of our current style subscription boxes. From the 1st May our monthly subscriptions will transition to the new style Themebox! IfContinue reading “Monthly Sub Theme: April 2024”

What’s Inside The Box? – Simplify (March ’24)

🚨 WARNING! This blog post contains spoilers to the ‘Simplify’ Big One box… Proceed with caution if you have not received your box! 🚨 Simplify -Your Journal, Your Home, Your Life. With a stunning rainbow colour palette and bold, block text, the contents of this box focus on ways to simplify your home, your journalingContinue reading “What’s Inside The Box? – Simplify (March ’24)”

Monthly Sub Theme: March 2024

It’s time to announce our upcoming theme for the Oops a Daisy Monthly Subscription, the first from our Quarter 2 concept and colour palette! THE NEXT THEME IS… Let It Go Let it go encourages you to release the things that no longer serve you. Whether it be negative emotions or household clutter, it’s timeContinue reading “Monthly Sub Theme: March 2024”

Monthly One – April 24 (Dispatch February 24)

🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 This blog post contains all the details of our ‘Draw The Line’ Box! About this month’s theme… “Draw the Line” is inspired by simple line drawings and doodles that you may add to your journal. It also has the double meaning of saying no, which fits perfectly into our quarterly themeContinue reading “Monthly One – April 24 (Dispatch February 24)”