It’s time to take a look inside this month’s Themebox subscription! The exact contents of your box will vary depending on what tier you have opted for. Take a look at our subscription tiers here. 🚨 Beware – this blog post includes spoilers for the blog contents and tips on how to get the mostContinue reading “Unboxing Themebox: Out of Office (May 2024)”
Category Archives: 5️⃣ Oops a Daisy Subscriptions
Big One: Dispatch 1st June 2024
Our quarterly journal subscription is back with a bang for 2024! With a stunning rainbow colour palette and bold, block text, we will be focusing on ways to simplify your home, your journaling practice and your life!
Themebox: Dispatch May 2024
It’s finally time to announce our very first theme for our ALL NEW Themebox subscription! For this box we’ve fully embraced the summer vibes, it’s all about getting busy doing nothing and switching on that out of office message! Want to know more? Keep reading… THE LOWDOWN ON THEMEBOX Monthly journal inspiration delivered to yourContinue reading “Themebox: Dispatch May 2024”
Monthly One – June 24 (Dispatch April 24)
🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 This blog post contains all the details of our ‘Meerkat Your Life’ Box! About this month’s theme… “Meerkat your life” is our final Mini One before we transition to Themebox… It’s a combination of everything we love at Oops a Daisy, cute animals, fun stationery, useful designs… SIMPLES! Month of dispatch:Continue reading “Monthly One – June 24 (Dispatch April 24)”
Concept and Colour Scheme Reveal! (2024 – Q3)
Each quarter we choose a colour scheme for all of our subscriptions, allowing all your new stationery to work together!