We receive queries every day asking if we have tutorials for specific stencils, and if so where to find them. Since we started back in 2016, we have created over 500 stencils and made over 150 videos for our YouTube channel, so we thought it was about time we wrote a little guide to helpContinue reading “Navigating the Video Archive!”
Category Archives: 4️⃣ Oops a Daisy Products
Rainbow Boxes – The Low Down!
Here at Oops a Daisy HQ If we had to list our absolute journaling must-haves, we would probably say: 1) A journal2) A pen3) Rainbow Boxes! Whether you’re new to journaling or a seasoned pro, we think our Rainbow Boxes are one of the most useful journaling tools out there. (Yes, we may be biased,Continue reading “Rainbow Boxes – The Low Down!”
Organising Your Stencil Collection!
In the early days of Oops a Daisy, our stencils were made of brightly coloured laminated card. This made identifying which stencil I was looking for really easy, but they weren’t very durable. The introduction of our #clearcut material was a game changer for Oops a Daisy. Our stencils are now more durable, easier toContinue reading “Organising Your Stencil Collection!”
Monthly Review Journal Spread
One of my journaling resolutions for this year is to create a monthly review page at the end of every month. Monthly review pages give you an opportunity to create a snapshot of time. I plan on recording what I have been reading, watching and listening to, in addition to carrying out a ‘Traffic LightContinue reading “Monthly Review Journal Spread”