40 Journaling Prompts To Help Simplify Your Journal, Your Home and Your Life!

Each quarter, we choose a concept and colour palette to inspire our monthly and quarterly journaling subscription boxes. The aim of this is to allow us to dig a little deeper, looking at multiple interpretations of the theme, and to allow all of the supplies for the quarter to work together in harmony! For theContinue reading “40 Journaling Prompts To Help Simplify Your Journal, Your Home and Your Life!”

Q2 Co-ordinating Products – FIRST LOOK!

Last Autumn we announced a pretty big change to our quarterly and monthly journaling subscriptions – the introduction of a shared quarterly concept and colour palette. This means that all of your stationery for the quarter co-ordinates beautifully, creating even more possibilities for creativity! It also means that we can provide a range of addContinue reading “Q2 Co-ordinating Products – FIRST LOOK!”