Ever find yourself in need of extra time in your day? While we can’t promise to make the day longer, but utilising Task Batching will free up blocks of time you never knew you had!
Category Archives: Productivity Hacks
The Pomodoro Technique: How Tomatoes Help Make You More Productive!
If you often find yourself distracted when attempting to get a task done, or are put off starting when you don’t have much time to spare, then the Pomodoro technique might be for you!
Using a Priority Matrix
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have what feels like a million tasks whizzing around your brain at any one time, you spend so much time trying to decide what to focus on first that you run out of time to actually DO THE DAMN TASK.
Using A Rolling Task List To Prioritise Your Week
The Productivity Series: Busy Doing Nothing Welcome to our series of blog posts where we will explore a range of productivity and time management techniques and how to implement them within your journal or planner. Check out our other posts here. You have a long list of tasks, but how do you go about organisingContinue reading “Using A Rolling Task List To Prioritise Your Week”
Why I Need A Brain Dump To Be Productive!
The Productivity Series: Busy Doing Nothing Welcome to our series of blog posts where we will explore a range of productivity and time management techniques and how to implement them within your journal or planner. Check out our other posts here. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective, and for me that is definitelyContinue reading “Why I Need A Brain Dump To Be Productive!”