Guest Blogger – Claire Claire is a member of the Oops a Daisy Creative Team and has been journaling for 5 years. Claire is Swedish and lives in France. Journaling has helped her organise her busy life, as she has 6 children and also runs her own business. She first discovered Oops a Daisy duringContinue reading “10 Fun and Functional Christmas Bullet Journal Spreads”
Author Archives: Claire
Sakura Koi Colour Tracker
If you’re a subscriber to either the Mini One, the Big One, or both, you know that during 2023 you’ll be able to collect all 48 Sakura Koi brush pens. After a demand on the Bullet Journal Squad Facebook group, I created this tracker which was met with delight. If you want to you canContinue reading “Sakura Koi Colour Tracker”
My Journaling Journey
Some of you may know me and some of you may not. Therefore a short presentation is in place. My name is Claire, I’m a 36-year-old mother of 6 kids aged from 11 to 2 years old. I own my own business where I create learning kits for teachers in kindergarten and preschool. My me-timeContinue reading “My Journaling Journey”