My name is Jo and I am a stationery addict! My stationery obsession started way, way back. For as long as I can remember I have loved all things paper craft. I collected Blue Peter annuals so that I could create their make and do projects (for those not in the UK, Blue Peter was an old school children’s TV show which had a regular craft slot… check it out on You Tube). Tony Hart was my hero (another one for the UK crew…Tony Hart on Hartbeat), and I liked nothing better on a Saturday afternoon than visiting my local “Memo” or “WH Smiths” to check out their stationery selection. I actually ended up getting a Saturday job at my local WH Smiths, imagine me in a little piece of heaven re stocking the pens and browsing through the notebook selections for hours at a time!
I’m also a professional organiser, I have lists of my to do lists. If something is going to get done it will go on a list or be planned in a notebook. That’s just how my brain works.
Fast forward to January 2016 when I first heard the term “bullet journal”. As with everything I headed to my trusty Pinterest app and took a look at what the search term brought up.
I invested in my first dot grid notebook and made a plan of what pages I wanted to create. It was at this point that I noticed there was a distinct lack of Bullet Journaling accessories available in the UK, which lead me to create my first stencil. Very soon I realised that other people liked my stencils which is what lead me to open my Etsy Shop. I’ve now gone one better and created a whole website for Oops a Daisy so everything is in one place!
This site is a place for me to share my adventures in journalling and I really hope you like it, I’d love to hear from other journaling devotees, please leave me a message and don’t forget to head over to my Instagram and Facebook for more ways to interact.
Big Love
P.S. You may be wondering about the name Oops a Daisy, this is Daisy my rescue dog. Daisy Had cerebellar ataxia which meant she was a little wobbly (hence the name “oops a daisy”), she sadly passed away in 2021 after 13 years with Jo but will live on through through the legacy created in her name.