We’ve Come To The End Of The Month – 5 Steps To Successful Monthly Migration.

At the end of every month, there are a few steps to complete to effectively “close down” the month and move on to the next chapter. Keep reading to find out my top 5 steps to successful monthly migration!

1. Make a List (and check it twice)

In order to remember the steps to your monthly Bullet Journal migration, it’s really helpful to create a list that outlines the steps of the process that are specific to your journal setup.

For me, these include:

  • Complete a monthly review page
  • Migrate tasks from previous monthly and weekly spreads
  • Populate tasks and events from my digital calendar
  • Add monthly highlight photo
  • Complete monthly social media trackers
  • Put away my themed supplies from the previous month

I shall cover these steps in more detail below.

2. Create a Monthly Review Spread

At the end of the month it can be really useful to add a review of the highlights of the month, record what you’ve been watching, eating, reading, listening to, etc., log what you have learned, and what you would like to focus on moving forward.

We have a couple of stencils to help this process (Classic Month End Review and Super Easy Review), along with a handy journal printable.

3. Migrate Your Tasks

A big part of the monthly bullet journal migration process is migrating your tasks from previous spreads.

This is an opportunity to look at each individual task and assess:
a) has this been completed? and if not…
b) is this task still relevant?

If you decide that the task does still need to be completed then it should be moved to your new monthly brain dump/master list page, and a symbol added to the previous list to show that it has been migrated. (For me, this is a small right facing arrow as shown in my key below).

If I decide that the task is no longer relevant then I colour the task box to signify that the task has been cancelled (again, as per the key below).

4. Complete Your Monthly Trackers

If you have added any monthly trackers to your initial journal setup, now is the time to update the month’s stats. These may include health trackers, social media trackers, or reading trackers.

If you have included a photo highlights page then add your monthly photo too!

5. Put Your Supplies Away

The final step is to file away the themed supplies that you will no longer need, ready for a fresh month ahead!

If you would like to take a closer look at my monthly migration process then you can check out the video below!

Join us to set up your next journal!

Check out “Journal With Oops a Daisy” a 6 week programme to support you through journal set-up and beyond!

The programme is totally free to join with a small donation* to our chosen charity: St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood via our Just Giving page.

Click here to find out more!

*No minimum, give what you can afford. Access to the resources is granted for 12 weeks after sign up.

Published by Jo - Founder of Oops a Daisy

I live in Essex in the UK with my gaggle of furry friends including. I have had lifetime passion/obsession for beautiful stationery and to-do lists which has lead me to the wonderful world of Bullet journals.

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