We are excited to announce a brand new project from Oops a Daisy and we’d love to get our VIP feedback to make it AWESOME!
We are taking you BACK TO SCHOOL!
We are planning on creating a totally free resource where you can learn, collaborate and level-up your journaling game!
FYI – This is currently a work in progress, but if all goes to plan we should have our first course “Journaling 101” ready to launch this August.
“Journaling 101” will be a week long course where we take you from blank notebook to functioning journal in just seven days! It will comprise of blog posts, video content, and digital downloads, delivered daily into your email inbox.
After the initial launch, the course will continue to be available so that new students can sign up at any time. (or for you to re-study when it comes to new journal set up!).
We then plan to launch short courses on various areas of journaling, from dutch doors to hand-lettering and beyond.
This is where we need your help…
What would have been helpful to you as someone joining the hobby as a complete newbie?
What would be helpful to you now?
Complete our quick survey to help shape the School of Journaling!